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The Importance of Healed Photos

So you are thinking about getting the flawless eyebrows you have always dreamed of and smudge proof eyeliner (MAGIC!) Your first step is to find a Permanent Cosmetics Technician/ Microblading Artist. While looking for a technician it is very important to look for his or her credentials, read client reviews and most importantly, take a close look at photos of their work. Invest some time into your research, as your technician will be the most important decision you'll make in your permanent makeup experience. (So no discount shopping, ladies!) The skill level of your technician is crucial for optimal results.Their knowledge of Micropigmentation techniques that require specific stretch, angle, depth, speed and pressure to work at with each individual skin type. Your tech should be well versed in color theory as your skin Fitzpatrick type, undertones, health and medications can all affect how the color heals and should be chosen precisely. With all of these factors at hand that can affect the end result, you want to be sure your technician is posting HEALED photos... healed photos. Their work can exude artistic ability and look beautiful immediately after the procedure, but only a skilled technician can get those same beautiful results into their healed work. If the technician you are researching has no photos of healed work, there is probably a reason. Have high standards for your artist, this is your beautiful face! The healed results are what you will be looking at (and hopefully LOVING!) until they fade.

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