Powder Brow Course

My 3 Day Powder Brow Course is a great class for both beginners and experienced artists. I have created a well rounded class that includes both fundamental and advanced techniques. I believe in learning as much as possible within this industry, and I'm always attending continuing education classes. Through these advanced classes and my own experience with over 3000 clients, I have collected what I believe to be the most influential techniques and skills that have created the Cosmetic Tattoo Artist that I am today. I am passionate about creating artists, (not just relaying the information)!
Students will be knowledgeable of the following
Different application techniques and when each should be used based on a particular client.
Identify skin type, undertones, lifestyle and environmental issues that will be the basis of color theory.
Color theory and choosing correct pigments and modifiers.
Properly sanitize/sterilize before and after procedures, and avoiding cross contamination during procedures.
Genuine concern for the client’s outcome, color, shape, symmetry, and overall aesthetic appearance of permanent makeup on the client.
Professionally handle themselves in this industry practicing good business ethics.
How to evaluate and perform touch up services for each client.
How to correct their own work, if need be, and how to approach corrections when performed by another artist (and what to do when previous work cannot be corrected).
Students will receive all insurance and client consultation/ consent forms used for Powder Brow Procedure, and know which clients and skin types can be a contraindication to Powder Brow.
Students will know aftercare for clients to follow and receive written instructions to give to clients.
Sanitation & Sterilization Theory
Pixel Distribution Patterns
Brow Mapping & Facial Anatomy
Technique (including proper depth, angle and stretch)
Skin Analysis & Histology
Color Theory
Client Consultation & Contraindications
Equipment, Supplies and Product
Numbing Agents
Business Ethics
Students are encouraged to bring a model the last day of class
. Prerequisite for this course: Blood Borne Pathogens Certificate. Haven't completed this yet? CLICK HERE
Students will receive all of the supplies required to perform these services for your clients!
Pre-Procedure and Aftercare Instructions
Client Consent Forms
Supply List for Re-Ordering
A Very Detailed Handout with the Foundational
Information on the Microblading Procedure
Our Microblading classes are small and intimate, to ensure a lot of one on one time with your instructors. Our environment is one that is very positive and supportive of our students, at all stages of learning. We do expect our students to carry this positivity about them as well, and pass on their support to their fellow classmates.
pricing | $3000
check out my student's beautiful powder brow work